14 Feb 2020


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TNT SIMMENTALS 35th Annual Bull Sale on 2/14/2020

We honestly cannot put into words the amount of gratitude and thankfulness we feel after this sale. Thank you so much for 35 truly amazing years!

109 Bulls averaged $8,147. Gross Sales – $888,000
59 – Black Bulls averaged $8,953
50 – Red Bulls averaged $7,630

High Selling Bull – Lot 8, G366, a PB Simmental, sired by TNT Pride C232, sold for $27,000 to Kenner Simmentals, Roger Kenner of Leeds, ND.

Co-2nd High Selling Bulls – Lot 55, G383, a ½ Simmental ½ Angus sired by TNT Union D385 sold for $18,000 to Joe Wagner of Brandon, MN.

Lot 53, G362, a ½ Simmental ½ Angus sired by TNT BCR Unified B203 sold for $18,000 to Scott Bradac of Marmarth, ND.

3rd High Selling Bull – Lot 29, G384, a ¾ Simmental ¼ Angus sired by TJ Roosevelt 366E sold for $17,000 to Flick Brothers, Mike and Dave Flick of Chaseley, ND.

4th High Selling Bull – Lot 50, G333, a ½ Simmental ½ Angus sired by TNT Union D385 sold for $16,000 to Dan Miller of Raleigh, ND.

Co-5th High Selling Bulls – Lot 48, G517, a ½ Simmental ½ Angus sired by TNT BCR Unified B203 sold for $14,000 to Joe Wagner of Brandon, MN.

Lot 76, G414, a PB Simmental sired by IR Imperial D948 sold for $14,000 to Seth Leachman, 9 Mile Ranch of Touchet, WA.

Co-6th High Selling Bulls – Lot 77, G435, a PB Simmental sired by IR Imperial D948 sold for $13,500 to Ken Adair, Adair Ranch of Brownfield, AB.

Lot 68, G348, a PB Simmental sired by IR Imperial D948 sold for $13,500 to Larry Herd of Hearne, TX.

Volume Buyers
Seth Leachman of Touchet WA, Bow and Arrow Ranch, Mike and Mark Jochim of Flasher ND and Stuart Nielsen of New England ND each purchased 5 bulls. Kyle Mattingly of Toledo IA and Jeff and Elly Moe of Tioga ND each purchased 4 bulls.

The bulls sold to 11 states and 1 province. Over 85% of the bulls sold to repeat customers.

Sale Results from Other Years:

Your are currently viewing: TNT Simmentals 2020 Annual Sale Results.
Sale Date: Feb 14, 2020  (Return to Top)

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